Saturday, December 24, 2011

Oxendocker Christmas

Somehow, even when I resist, I get roped into helping organize my father's Christmas gathering for our family.  This year, I managed to only have to send out a mass email to the group, but my dad seemed to think I had moved mountains with my words.  I must have gotten the point across because we were 26/27 for attendance.  I guess I can also take credit for forcing the various segments of family onto the couch for annual round-up pictures as well.  And here they are:

All of the grandkids.
Back:  Isabelle, Emily, Emma, Violet, Lauren, Kendall, Naomi and Henry
Front: Quentin and Elijah
Dad and his kids.
Emilie, Caleb, Ben, Mandy and Eric.  Missing is Layne
Other highlights include the bonding and re-bonding of cousins who didn't always get to hang out together as often as they'd like.  Precious?  Yes, I think so.

And red was the color of choice for most children at the soiree.