Sunday, June 5, 2011

Onward and Upward!

I never get tired of this view.
There's a few things I feel have to be done every summer.  And heading north with a tent in the trunk is definitely one of them.  So off to a different state park for Memorial Day, we headed to Mackinaw.  One day this will be easier because we will have a larger car, but in the meantime, the Civic Coupe gets packed to the gills with everything and anything I could possibly need for our outdoor excursions. 
Parade time!

 We made the most of our 3-day weekend by taking in the Memorial Day parade, doing some shopping, and of course, a trip on the ferry to the Island.  We had a lot of fun riding bikes around the Island and picking out our dream houses. 

Taking photos while riding a bike is an art form in and of itself.