So you wanna run the Riverbank Run? Ok, we'll pay for it. You just have to wear a shirt with our name on it. Um, okay. And so Eric went and ran for his employer, the Public Museum. He ran his first ever Riverbank Run, the 25K race (15.5 miles for you American measurers). I wasn't quite read to tag along with him, but I did get to the race in time to see him cross the finish line running (and sweating...a lot). No pics of him actually crossing the finish line, because I had just gotten a new camera and hadn't figured out how it worked yet. I ended up losing him in the crowd and we spent quite a bit of time trying to find each other after the race.
Immediately following the race, he said that he'd never do it again. But given time to recouperate, he said he might try to beat his time next year. Maybe I'll join him...