Sunday, May 22, 2011

My thumb is turning green!

Gardening and landscaping has never been my strong suit, but every year I try to learn a little bit more. This year I planted flowers in all of the beds in the front yard, and I'm trying to re-grow some grassy dead spots.
Impatiently waiting for the impatiens to bloom

The excessive rain hasn't really helped with that, but spring is here so I'm planting my stuff anyway! I've also expanded my garden to herbs and vegetables. I even built my own raised garden bed I was pretty proud of myself.

Red pepper, yellow squash and zucchini are in the new garden bed.
 And it looks like I may even know what I'm doing, because it looks like things are actually starting to sprout. Bring on the spinach salad!
I'ms strongs to the finish 'cuz I eats me spinach...