I love Halloween! Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that my birthday is so close. I saw a TV show where a woman's birthday fell on Halloween and she despised it because she always came second to the holiday. Me? I'm the total opposite. I love automatically having awesome ways to celebrate my birthday, whether it's a costume party, a haunted house, or getting to pass out candy to little ghouls. And we got to do a little of each this year.

So Winnie put on her jail bird costume, and Eric and I went as garden gnomes to a friend's Halloween party and we had ourselves a good old time.
And as for that pesky birthday, well, it wasn't so bad. I started with a simple gathering with a friend at her house and was surprised by another friend driving 3 hours to meet us and spend the night. So a day out with my girls was definitely a great way to spend my birthday. I followed that up with dinner with friends, including my mom, who loves to have a reason to put on her fancy jewelry. Bring on my 3rd decade!