It's summertime in Michigan. That means it's time to throw the tent in to the trunk and head up north. Ok, with me, it's always more stuff in the car than just a tent, but I make it all fit into the little Honda coupe and we hit the highway.

And it isn't a camping trip without having to set the tent up in the dark on the first night, only to find out that we set it up 50 feet away from the outlet.

But after all that, we enjoyed what the area had to offer us and took in the beauty of the Tahquamenon Falls. We survived the "moderate difficulty" River Walk hike with Winnie and got to enjoy the wonders of Paradise Michigan, which amounted to restaurants with no a/c and a fabulous ice cream shop called Snowflakes. We managed a canoe trip on the Two-Hearted River and I got one dip in Lake Superior and called it good.

Some heavy rain and fog on the way home and we made it in time for a much needed long sleep in a real bed. When's the next trip?